Robert J. Banis, PhD, CMA
Teaching Professor of Logistics and Operations Management (Ret.)
University of Missouri- St.  Louis
phone Off-campus office at (636) 394-4950
banis (at)
C.V. WORD format c.v.
Marquis Life-time Achievement Award--Professional Narrative
This is the home page for research and educational materials by Dr. Bud Banis and friends.

Critical Note:

These pages cover material from various courses I taught at UMSL since 1987. They are relocated here from the UMSL website for continuing availability and reference by other websites. I am reorganizing to simplify.  Videotutorialsare being updated and converted from the original (flash) swf format to be more accessible on more devices..
 Some links may get displaced in this process. Let me know if you can't find something, so I can fix it. Thanks.
Since there are hundreds of videos, this update and conversion will be in process for a time.

Here are examples of a few key videos in the new MP4  form:
  • The Knapsack LP model in solver
  • Tit-for-tat strategy in the Iterated Prisoners' dilemma game model
  • Practical aspects of the Learning Curve - The Insulin filtration case
  • The Berkeley  Sex discrimination Case - Relationship does not mean causality

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Read about the Mother of all Urban Legends

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