Some Interactive Models:

Videotutorials could be developed to take advantage of FLASH hot spots and interactive "quiz" capabilities.
Current videotutorials don't yet have such features, but the Camtasia Studio software is capable of it, and I am learning.
I originally started with screen captures and videos using the less expensive and less enabled snagit program.
Here is a thirty-day trial of snagit that I have permission to distribute. This is about 11 MB. Don't buy from this copy. See Marcel Bechtoldt about UMSL group licenses.

Links to some videos:

Spreadsheet Models in Management Science BA2000
Operations Management LOM5320 & BA3320
Statistics BA3300
Introduction to Computers BA1800

Operations Management:

Stochastic models, with VBA macros:
To illustrate simulation of genetic drift and bottlenecks in the extinction of family names, namsim2.xls
Simulations, gamesim1.xls and gamesim2.xls showing competitive strategies in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma to illustrate the benefits of Tit-for-Tat and other cooperative behaviors, critical to understanding the basis of cooperative commerce that underlies TQM and Supply Chain Management.


Interactive models in EXCEL to visualize concepts such as isolation of effects of simultaneous causal factors via Analysis of variance and Multiple regression techniques. The examples of these are on the web:
Multiple Regression isolates sources of variation, the varsorc.xls model and
Rationale of ANOVA, the anovarat.xls model.

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