Format and Edit a Book-length Document

Video Tutorials for WORD large document global editing

These are FLASH videos, so you will require the FLASH viewer.

This page is pretty old, as I haven't taught this course in a while, so you should check out a current list of course videos and consider a convenience copy of the most recent collection of course CDs on CD available at

 getwizoz shows how to execute the self-extracting archive file and import the example text into word.
mapheads The easy way "Mapping Trick" to set up chapter heads as a heading style
modstyl Use color to track paragraph styles and modify the whole book with a few clicks
pagebrak  Put automatic page breaks at the end of each chapter. 
modbody Using format/style/ modify format/text without disrupting headings
margins Set margins and page numbers to mirror
TOC Generate a table of contents automatically by using the chapter heading styles as entries.
index Produce and insert an automatic Index at the end of the book.
Microsoft Tutorial on Styles
Click Here for instructions on direct entry indexing.
download the modified text file Wonderful Wizard of OZ by Frank Baum
Other Project Gutenberg E-texts
Workaround for the Microsoft WORD file permissions problem.

Video Tutorials for ACCESS & EXCEL Projects and navigating in Windows and Netscape

Concatenation in EXCEL concat
Copy formulas cpyforms
import and convert csv to excel csv2xls
import CSV files to ACCESS (very similar to EXCEL import) import2
Prepare spreadsheet for merge into WORD mergprep
Merge into WORD Labels wordmerg
import text data to access part 1 imptaccs
import text data to access part 2 import2
Change data field format in access format data field
update query in access updateq
crosstab query in ACCESS crosstab
insert and extend a column of sequence numbers insertno
Sort in EXCEL exclsort
pie charts piechart
print formulas prnforms
jobrate sensitivity analysis sensitiv
using Windows Explorer to right click copy files rtclkcpy
saving bookmark files in Netscape as a webpage bkmksave

last modified June 15, 2006 email bud_banis @ umsl . edu with comments
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