Previous Sessions First Exams (PDF's)

Selected examples from second exams:

note: cost of the good is included in total cost because it is different between making and buying. so this difference has to be included in the decision. Expect a problem like this on the exam

ropvfoi.pdf  (This wasn't covered in this depth this semester)
Note: You don't need the whole formulas for these. Just focus on Pstockout and safety stock.  another way to phrase a question on this issue is "How much safety stock would you have to keep to have equivalent service level in the FOI approach?"


Project schedules  (brackett diagram not covered this semester)
A typical exam problem might also have a list of activities, durations, precedence relationships and a predrawn PERT chart for you to fill in.
Bathroom queuing
Project schedule and Bathroom solutions

learning curve data and the real world.
Solutions to learning curve.
two features about learning curves:
One is the doubling of experience gives a constant % reduction.  Thus, divide the times required T2/T1; T4/T2; T6/T3; T8/T4 This will reveal a second feature, that the first time you do something, the data usually doesn't fit the theory (i.e. it is "anomalous"--sometimes referred to as "fubar").
Use the table factors to figure out how much experience you must have before the time to do it is 72 hours or less. The lesson is that it takes time to implement a  process change and realize the projected benefit.
Merge lanes game
A linear Programming problem with solver output to interpret.
similar to expan LP above
 Solution to merge and Solver output

Interpretation of MacDog output

Miscellaneous MC questions
solutions have been added