Fall 06 First Exam Results: Comparison of Online and Classroom Sections:

We're always concerned that a change in mode of delivery from classroom to online might have an effect of student grasp of the material, so it is good to make observations on any possible discrepancies in performance as measured by results of evaluations.
Although numbers are small, it is comforting that comparison of student performance in the first exam for this first Online section of Operations Management, BA3320, gives no evidence that online delivery is inferior in results to classroom delivery.
It is true that students attending the course online need more self-discipline and ability to work independently.
I believe we are losing something in less student-student interaction, loss of body-language feedback. There is much less back-and-forth disussion compared to what goes on in the classroom. Nevertheless, there are compensating benefits. The system is more flexible for everybody. More than half of the students make frequent use of session recordings to time-shift their attendance. I suspect people who sign up to take the course online are likely to be more independent than average in their work habits.
Few students have dropped from any sections at this point.

There is also no evidence for difference in comprehension between day- and night-section students. This is comforting as there has been some limited evidence in the past that once-a-week late night sections may have unusual difficulties with the course.
This night section is twice a week, 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm.

Performance on this exam was somewhat better than what I usually see (typical mean=62-70%)
This exam may have been a little more straightforward than usual, or perhaps there was some effect of the new availability of recorded classes from the online section. These were converted and put on the open website for the benefit of all sections and many students in the classroom sections have reported that they are making use of them to review areas that are hazy in their notes.

Here is what the exam looked like:

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