Format and Edit a Book-length DocumentMICROSOFT WORD Large Document Editing with Styles

By the end of this module, be sure you understand/can perform the following functions:
WORD large Document Global Editing

Excellent tutorial on styles from Microsoft website click here

Table of Video tutorials for this project

There are a couple of gigantic traps in WORD.

The "Fastsave" option is a common cause of lost work. To avoid problems with wildly fluctuating file sizes and temporary files taking up all your floppy disk space, Turn off the Fastsave option. If necessary, before each session, click on Tools, Options, Save and uncheck the boxes that allow "fast save" and cause WORD to save backup information at timed intervals. This is critically important, because if your file is too big, when you try to save it to the floppy disk, the Microsoft NT (or Win 2000) system is likely to grind the disk to death and then lock up causing you to lose all your work.  Fortunately, we have changed defaults in the school system so this is turned off.
The way WORD routinely saves files can also cuase large problems if you are working with a relativley large document (>400K) on a floppy disk. See the discussion and  workaround for the file permissions problem.

Life can be easier and less confusing

if you follow a few simple practices.  Working in WORD, you can get much more awareness and control over the document by putting it in page layout view (view/pagelayout), and, unless you have a lot of markings, such as for an index, turning on nonprinting marks (click the "paragraph" icon on the top tool bar, it looks like a reverse "P"). That way, you can see where there are hard returns, page breaks (put them in with a ctrl-enter), tabs, spaces etc. You will want to turn these off when finetuning layout and page references, such as Table of Contents and Index.

Working with paragraph styles, gives you global control over formatting of headings, body text, bullet lists etc, so that you can double space the entire document, or put it back to single space with a few mouse clicks rather than putting double hard returns at the end of each line.
Most people find multiple hard returns uncommonly difficult to put in and get back out. I have global tricks to do this, and usually start out with a submitted file by highlighting the whole thing and removing all the specific direct formatting that authors have so painstakingly applied. Direct formatting can be removed by highlighting the text (select the whole document by triple clicking in the margin) and pushing ctl-spacebar (to remove character formatting) and ctl-Q (to remove paragraph formatting).  You can test whether you have set your styles up correctly because this removal of direct formatting will leave the globally applied formats intact.

Pages can be numbered automatically by insert/ page numbers. This is much better than typing them in manually.
Hard Page breaks are much better than repetitive returns. Use ctl / enter to put in a hard page break. With marks turned on you can delete any hard page breaks you don't want.
Files to practice on--converted Project Gutenberg E-texts
Inaugural Addresses--US Presidents Washington to Clinton 
Fall of the House of Usher--Edgar Allen Poe 
The Redheaded Outfield--Zane Grey 
The Wonderful Wizard of OZ--Frank Baum
Other Public Domain Texts Public Domain Resource List E-texts
We are going to edit   The Wizard of Oz
Just for fun, we will download the modified text file Wonderful Wizard of OZ by Frank Baum, personalize it, and format it for printing as a book.  You will turn in the result as a disk for grading.
Note, this E-text was modified from the Project Gutenberg version by removing all the extra line breaks. This was done to give a less complicated process for a model of large document formatting and editing  for BA103.
The assignment , done in WORD  (any version is okay up to WORD 2000, but be careful of backward compatibility problems) will be submitted on disk. Do not E-mail it, as it is large enough to cause problems with the system if 20-100 people E-mail this to me.
the video, getwizoz.avi shows how to execute the self-extracting archive file and open the text in word

1) delete extraneous text on Project Gutenberg, as the Project Gutenberg management would rather not get the blame for this one.
2) set up chapter heads as a heading style, keep other text as normal. If you haven't disrupted the plain text format yet, then you can get WORD to guess at the chapter headings through the Document Mapping feature. This opens a window on the left side of the screen with a "proposed" outline of the document.  You can click on proposed headings to go to them, then use the drop down styles box at the left end of the toolbar to assign heading 1 style to the headings you agree with (there is also a way to set this up on function keys).  Close the document map by view/document map/click or right click and clicking on the document map menu item.  There is an easier way, if you modify the style and assign a hotkey. This procedure is shown in the video mapheads.avi

3) set headings to 36-pt arial or other font clearly different from your body text typeface. Setting colors on your headings makes it easy to view the document in multiple page views and still see where all the headings are. You can always remove colors by modifying styles later. the video modstyl.avi shows how to do this
4) put page breaks at the end of each chapter. this can be done either manually through control/enter, or automatically by building it into the chapter heading style. the video pagebrak.aviillustrates.

5) Using format/style/ modify format/text,  set text to reasonably large such as  18-pt in some interesting but readable font. Some people feel Times New Roman is too common, but that would be okay. see the video modbody.avi

6) set margins and page numbers to mirror with page numbers on the outside and larger margins on the inside to allow for binding
the video margins.avi shows how to set mirrored margins

7) Globally edit (find/replace) characters to include yourself as one of the characters and friends as other characters.  minimum changes include Dorothy, the tin woodman, the lion, the scarecrow.   There are probably interesting choices for the wizard, the wicked witch, and etc.
8) Put in a few pictures. These could be from those taken in class and distributed through the web, or others if you have them.  Be careful about the size of the document file in this, as it must fit on a disk at the end.  Please!!! make sure fastsave is turned off!!
 9) set up one table, with shading and a minimum of 3 rows and 3 columns at the end of the document.  You could use the table to list your favorite TV shows or describe other books you might modify.
10) insert a table of contents generated automatically by using the chapter heading styles as entries. the video TOC.avi illustrates briefly. be wary WORD 2000 has overactive links in the TOC. avoid clicking directly on it.
11) Produce and insert an automatic Index at the end of the book. The index must be generated automatically, include enough entries to span the alphabet (at least one per letter), include multiple page listings generated through the markAll procedure, and be in type size 14 point or more, achieved by modifying the Index entry and heading Styles. See the video index.avi.  Each person must do their own work on this and if I receive submissions with similar collections of entries, all parties to the collaboration will get a zero for the assignment.
Click Here for instructions on direct entry indexing.

Also See How to make a concordance file from an existing embedded index in Microsoft WORD.

Later, after working with spreadsheets, we will use a combination of EXCEL and WORD to generate a merge label sheet. That result will be turned in with the second EXCEL exercise. Merge files can be used to generate personalized form letters, reports, and even personalized books.

Video Tutorials for WORD large document global editing
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last modified September 3, 2005 ~~ comments and suggestions to