BA3300 Introduction to Business Statistics
Centra sessions Winter  '06

  • "What is not measured cannot be controlled." (paraphrase of  W. Edwards Deming)
  • "Argument is only possible when you don't have the facts. Get the facts." (paraphrase of Peter F. Drucker)
  • "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought." —Albert von Szent-Gyorgy


    Here is a 580MB zip file of the online course videos which also include the out-of-class videos. Download the zip file, unzip it and copy it to CD to make an autorunning CD. Operations videos aren't included in this collection because of CD size limitations--get those from the BA3320 or LOM5320 sites.

    In the future, upgraded versions of these will be available on CD through my classes or from

    New link to out-of-class FLASH videos  video tutorials

    Paper SyllabusWinter '06  Section 004 (online Centra Course)
    Centra support documents at

    Technical Support for Centra at the UMSL help desk, (314) 516-6034

    The participants getting started essentials booklet was handed out at our first meeting along with a course CD with all my videotutorials. 

    Videos of Centra online sessions converted to FLASH format with better navigation controls:

    Example of the first Centra sessionvideo  01-25-06 is an exe with viewer included about 9MB

    Converted Videos:

    Here is a 580MB zip file of the online course videos which also include the out-of-class videos. Download the zip file, unzip it and copy it to CD to make an autorunning CD. Operations videos aren't included in this collection because of CD size limitations--get those from the BA3320 or LOM5320 sites.In the future, upgraded versions of these will be available on CD through my classes or from

    converted to a FLASH video 01-25-06 dispersity and Z scores Part1, Zscores in EXCEL part2, IQ score example part3
    Flash video, 01-30-06 repetitive sampling with macro part1, central limit theorem  part2
    Flash Video, Feb01, sample means and Central Limit Theorem part1, descriptive statistics and confidence intervals  part2
    Flash Video,  Feb 06,quiz 1 review part1, probability of having a bad confidence interval finish exercise 1 histograms and print to 1 page  part2
    Flash Video, Feb 13, one sample t-test Part1, type I and type II errors part2
    Centra session 02-15-06 as a four part FLASH video ( more convenient navigation)Q2 review and Beta=probability of a type II error Part1, (heights and sex data) part2, two-sample t-test   part3part4
    Centra Session 02-20-06 as a 2-part FLASH Video I had to reduce the frame rate to 7/sec to get it to 2-parts, but this may be workable--Q3 review part1, two-sample t-test, f-test for variance differences part2
    Centra Session 02-22-06 as a 2-part FLASH Video (frame rate to 7/sec)Q3 preview part1,paired sample t-test (salaries) part2
    Flash Videos,  02-27-06 as a 2-part FLASH VideoQ3 review Part1,paired t-test and correlation part2
    FLASH Videos 03-01-06 Q4 preview  Part1,partition of variance and ANOVA Part2
    ANOVA Flash Videos 03-13-06 Exam 1 results  Part1,more ANOVA (golf balls and clubs) Part2
    ANOVA golfball example and exercise 3 03-15-06 part1, part2
    brief mention ANOVA Exercise 3 and simple regression theory and example 03-20-06 part1 part2
    preview of YRBSS data and curvilear regression 03-22-06 part1part2
    Multiple regression 04-03-06 part1part2
    Multiple Regression, download and parsing YRBS data 04-05-06 part1part2
    Multiple regression  4-10-06  part1part2
    Multiple regression with YRBSS data finished 04-12-06 Part1Part2
    Crosstabs in YRBS with PivotTables 04-17-06 part1part2
    Chi-squared statistic and relationship between sex and smoking 04-19-06 part1part2
    Chi-squared Modified for Exercise 5 completed current Marijuana frequency and depression 04-24-06 part1 part2
    Video from class 4-26-06 was corrupted and may not be recoverable
    Chi-Squared modified for relationship between frequency of drivers drinking and neglecting use of seatbelts, smoking, sex and weight, stock market returns data from 05-01-06 part1part2
    stock market data at YAHOO--a look at google, employment data from the BLS and current populations statistics 05-03-06 part1part2
    End of course.



    Centra course schedule

    Ref No /Section 
    date/ Time  Place
     Onsite Intro W, Jan18, M, Jan23  2:00-3:15   SSB216  
    Exam1 MC Mon, Mar 6   2:00-3:15 Clark 217
    Exam1 Hands-on EXCEL Wed, Mar 8   2:00-3:15  SCB 102 SOUTH CAMPUS
    Exam2  MC & Hands-on Monday, May 8   12:30-2:30 !! SCB 102 SOUTH CAMPUS

    last modified January 17, 2007
    comments or questions to rbanis (at)

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