By the end of this module, make sure you understand the following terms and functions:
Program-item icons
  • Folders
  • Title bar
  • Task Bar
  • menu bar
  • Window border
  • scroll arrow
  • scroll box
  • scroll bar
  • minimize button
  • maximize button
  • Restore Button
  • Group Window
  • Applications Window
  • Accessories Window
  • Main window
  • Explorer
  • Paint
  • Clock
  • Calculator
  • WORD
  • LOTUS 1-2-3

Microsoft Windows 2000 is an operating system that doesn't depend on DOS. Advantages are:
Unlike DOS, which is command-driven, Windows uses a graphical user interface (GUI) which uses pictures of familiar objects such as file folders and documents.
Windows applications have a standard interface, so once you learn how to use one Windows application, you can easily use others. The same Device Drivers work with all applications. Windows allows for multi-tasking--you can run more than one application at a time.
Windows 95 and 98 and NT interfaces are similar to that of Windows 2000.

There are some disadvantages to the Windows operating Systems.


  1. Open Explorer by right clicking on Start or the MyComputer icon.
  2. Click on View, then Options. On the View Tab, make sure "Show all files" and "Display full MS-DOS path" are checked. Uncheck The "Hide MS-DOS extensions" box if it is checked. seeing file extensions will help a lot.  Always make sure file extensions are showing so that you can more easily tell what files you are working with.  On your own computer, once this is set, it will remain the default condition, and you won't have to redo it every time.
  3. Open Find by right clicking on MyComputer or the Start button.
  4. Find a file that has the extension .tmp and delete it ( if there aren't any, find something else that isn't very critical--like an old document.)
  5. look in the trash bin for the file you deleted and restore it. check to see that it has been put back in the place it was before you deleted it.
  6. Format a disk as 1.44 megabyte High Density format, and put your name on it for the electronic disk label.   1.44 Megabytes is about 1.5 million Characters, or bytes, of information (1024X1024X1.44). If your disk is already formatted, you can reformat by clicking on my computer, selecting 3.5" floppy, right click, select format disk. You are not able to format unformatted disks this way.  If you have an unformatted, or MAC formatted disk, you have to format by clicking on START, programs, utilities, format disk. put yourname as the disk label.
  7. Open Paint or microsoft Photoeditor (it comes with Office 97)  and produce or edit some kind of graphic. Note that there are different formats that have different file extensions, such as *.GIF  *.JPG  *.PCX. Just typing a new extension on a file doesn't change the format and can confuse programs.  To save a file in a different format, you have to select one that's available from the lower list box.  The extension will be changed automatically.  SaveAS the file to the disk in the A: drive
  8. Open WordPad or some other text editor. Produce  a simple document and save it on the A: disk
  9. Open Explorer. Make a directory with yourname on it on the A drive and copy the graphics and Wordpad files so they are in both the root directory and the <Yourname> directory.  Use Explorer to check that the files are in both places   This is how I will grade it, so you can tell before you hand it in whether it's right.  This is true of most exercises we will do this semester.  I will grade based on having both a graphics and a text file in both the root directory and the (yourname directory), and that you have yourname as the electronic disk label.
  10. Put a paper label on the disk with your name and section time on it. Turn in the disk for a grade.
Turn in the disk with the (whateveryounamedit).graphic and wordpad  files on it. Be sure to put your name and section time on the disk.

Video capture of "right Click Copy"

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last modified August 18, 2002 ~~ comments and suggestions to rbanis@