Skill Set

BA 103 Instructors Collaboration

Fall 2001 Semester


Basics/Windows NT:


·        Format a floppy disk to the appropriate density and label the disk 

·        Copy specified files from one location to another.

·        Locate specified files on the file server and copy those files to floppy disk.

·        Locate and launch a specified program from the Start Menu

·        Use Windows help to find instructions for a specified task and print

·        navigate, customize, and use icons on the desktop

·        know mouse techniques

·        know where/what are the following

task bar

recycle bin

my computer

·        concepts and hardware:

·        identify parts on an open computer -- power supply, CPU, hard drive, etc.

·        terms:  bit, byte, Gigabyte, CDROM, CMOS, etc.


File management with Windows Explorer


·        details and different views

·        turning on view hidden files and extensions

·        right-click drag and copy vs. left-click drag and move

·        distinguish between moving within a drive and copying between drives

·        shift click to select a range, vs. ctl click to select non-contiguous files

·        make a directory

·        find files with wildcards and sort lists


E-Mail (not application specification)


·        send a message

·        forward a message

·        send the contents of a word processing file to your lab instructor

·        print the contents of an e-mail message

·        attach a file and send

·        customize settings/options in the package




·        use one of the search engines available through Netscape to locate a graphic on a specified topic and download the graphic onto a floppy disk.

·        use one of the search engines available through Netscape to locate text on a specified topic and download the text onto a floppy disk.     

·        using metasearch engines: instead of individual

search engines.

·        using and organizing bookmarks. saving and sending bookmark files as


·        using bookmark files as WebPages for reference or presentation.


Word Processor:


·        open a file from a specified location

·        enhance the text (bold, italic, underline) to given specifications

·        cut and paste a block of text according to given specifications

·        spell check the document

·        print the document

·        save the file to floppy disk in MS Word format

·        change the margins to given specifications

·        change the font to given specifications

·        number the pages of your document

·        change the line spacing to given specifications

·        tables, formatting

·        insert a graphic into a document

·        save the file a second time, with a different name and in a different file format

·        create a new file, and be able to perform any or all of the previously listed        tasks on it

·        insert and size Word Art

·        begin to use desktop publishing

·        drag and drop editing

·        applying templates

·        paragraph styles

·        removing and resetting direct formats to default

·        applying styles and automating the table of contents

·        page numbers, margins, mirrored margins

·        page breaks and section breaks

·        headers and footers

·        OVR versus insert

·        screen check:  nonprinting characters(¶), layout, etc.




·        create a presentation using MS PowerPoint

·        choose a background color, or apply a template to your presentation.

·        slide with the following characteristics:

§         graphic downloaded from the Internet, along with an appropriate caption.

§         graphic imported from clip art

§         imported text

§         spreadsheet imported from Excel

§         a bulleted list

·        employ at least three different transitions between slides

·        employ builds on at least two slides

·        use at least three different fonts, with different point sizes

·        editing in slide view and in outline view

·        creating speakers notes, handouts, etc.

·        resizing and moving text boxes

·        working with different slide layouts

·        create an organization chart

·        create and use a slide master

·        ungrouping and editing clip-art images




·        open a file from a specified location on the file server

·        enhance the data (bold, italic, underline) to given specifications

·        cut and paste a block of data according to given specifications

·        create two graphs using given specifications

·        demonstrate a knowledge of the commonly used functions (SUM,   AVERAGE, etc.) by designing a spreadsheet to given    specifications

·        save the file to floppy disk in MS Excel format

·        save the file a second time, with a different name and in a different file format      

·        create a new file, and be able to perform any or all of the previously listed tasks on it

·        document a workbook

·        use multiple worksheets within a workbook

·        Title Bar, Menu Bar, Standard Toolbar (including how to use the icons), Formatting Toolbar (including how to use the icons)

·        minimize/maximize

·        Save, Save As

·        Page Setup, Print Preview, Print

·        open a new workbook

·        exit a workbook

·        Copy, Cut, Paste

·        Insert and Delete (rows, columns, cells)

·        data manipulations (copying,  concept of formula copying with row or column)

·        design of formulas with relative and absolute references for efficient                                  spreadsheet assembly

·        small cross drag to copy

·        AutoSum

·        pointing instead of typing functions

·        series fill, automatic dates are based on number of days since 1900

·        automatic adjustment of relative addresses

·        statistics functions (mean, stdev, sum)

·        printing as formulas

·        print preview, print to one page


Visual Basic:


·        use multiple tools and related attributes

·        build a program with multiple forms

·        change names of .frm and .vbp

·        understand and use:




·        demonstrate knowledge of basic programming concepts

·        write a short program to given specifications

·        forms

·        project setup

·        layout of work space

·        prompt to save

·        saving with correct extensions

·        viewing VB files in Windows Explorer

·        syntax checking on and setting environment options

·        menus

·        labels vs. text boxes

·        graphics


HTML and Web Pages


·        simple html tags and WYSIWYG editing

·        understanding and using FTP

·        graphics, lists, email links, links

·        demonstrate knowledge of basic web design

·        build a web site of multiple pages

·        demonstrate knowledge of HTML

·        include as elements of a web page or pages:

§         e-mail link

§         text generated in MS Word

§         graphics from the WWW or from disk

§         add links

·        use various HTML writers




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