Exam 1 Raw submitted Questions, Fall 2003 BA1800

8AM questions:

Discussion Board
Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 3 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 8:38 am
Author: Mayer, Toni <temrg3@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: exam 1 questions
RAM serves as
1. short term memory
2. long term memory
3. same as hard disk
4. memory on floppy disk
5. an animal at the St. Louis Zoo

Which requires the file CONFIG.SYS to control the boot process
1. RAM
2. windows NT
3. DOS
4. microsoft excel
5. microsoft word

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 2 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 8:57 am
Author: Sanders, David <dtsxb6@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: Exam 1 Questions
1. Which of the following is not one of the four basic computer operations?
a. receiving input
b. processing information
c. maping documents
d. producing output
e. storing information

answer is C, maping documents

2. What is the fundamental unit of computer data?
a. Bits
b. Gigs
c. Diskettes
d. Hardware
e. Software

The answer is A, Bits

11AM questions:

Discussion Board
Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 13 times
Date: Tue Oct 7 2003 10:43 am
Author: Jackson, Tatiana <trjq44@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: What is a field
a.) a basic fact or data element such as a name of a book.
b.)information found on a computer used to collect information.
c.)a set of records.
d.)a set of various objects in a data base

a.)a basic fact of data element such as a name of a book

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 11 times
Date: Tue Oct 7 2003 11:44 am
Author: Ly, Thai <txl4fc@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: Questions for exam one
Which of the following is not a step in working with word processor?
1.) Editing the text
2.) Formatting the text
3.) Saving the text on a disc
4.) Simulate the text
5.) Printing the text

The answer is 4

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 8 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 8:42 am
Author: Ly, Thai <txl4fc@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: Questions to exam one
In spreadsheet software, what is a function?
1) An organized collection of related information.
2) A predefined set of calculations, such as sum and average.
3) A type of erasable memory chip used in cell phones.
4) A discrete chunk of information in a database record.
5) Software and hardware that guards against unauthorized access to the internet.

The answer is 2.

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 6 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 8:48 am
Author: Ibarra, Carla <crivc8@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: Sample Questions for Exam 1
(1)How do you remove direct formatting from a selected text?

c)ctrl-Spacebar and ctrl-Q
f)ctrl-spacebar and ctrl-F

The answer is (c)

(2)To add an index to a large text file, you can easliy add entries by:

c)look through the whole file and write them down as you find them

The answer is (a)

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 6 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 11:01 am
Author: Jordan, Aretha <ajwbd@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: Questions for exam 1

The AutoCorrect feature will:
a. correct errors in capialization as they occur
b. expand user-defined abbreviations as they are typed
c. both (a) and (b)
d. neither (a)

How do you search for clip art using the microsoft clip organizer:
a. by entering a key word that describes the image you want
b. bu browsing through various collections
c. both (a) and (b)
d. neither (a) or (b)

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 4 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 11:10 am
Author: Jackson, Tatiana <trjq44@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: what does a pivot table do
a.)computes statistics of computers.
b.)a table that automaticly constructs a bar graph
c.)computes summary statistics for the records in a table according to the value of various fields within the table.
d.)provides information in graphical form.


Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 4 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 12:14 pm
Author: Jackson, Tatiana <trjq44@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: what does the replace command do
a.)replace a certain character that u choose with another character u choose.
b.)replaces every word that you change by hilighting it.
c.)changes the font of a word
d.)adds words on to what u have already said
e.)replaces only punctuations in a sentence


Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 2 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 12:18 pm
Author: Jackson, Tatiana <trjq44@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: what is an index
a.)the finishing touch in a long document
b.)whats found in the front of a document
c.)tells you where to start in the beginning of your document.
d.)found in the middle of your document telling you where to go
e.)found after the table of contents

answer a

Current Forum: exam 1 questions Read 2 times
Date: Wed Oct 8 2003 12:20 pm
Author: Harris, Sarah <schcm7@studentmail.umsl.edu>
Subject: test questions
How do you make sure your data fills the entire page on Excel printouts ?

A format, sheet, print my stuff
B file, print
C select all of your data, file, print
D select all of your data, file, print area, set print area
E yell at computer until its works

How do you indent the first line of every paragraph in Word?
A format, paragraph, indents and spacing, indentation, change left to .05"
B format, paragraph, indents and spacing, indentation, special-select hanging
C Hit tab before every paragraph
D format, paragraph, indents and spacing, indentation, special-select first line
E Hit the spacebar multiple times at the beginning of each paragraph

Emailed questions:

1. How many bits are in one byte?
      a. 2
      b. 4
      c. 8---correct answer
      d. 12
      e. 16

2. How do you copy text in Microsoft Word?
      a. select text, right click, copy.
      b. select text, edit menu, copy.
      c. select text, control, C.
      d. all of the above.
      e. none of the above.
1. How can you find out how much free space you have on a floppy disk?
A. you can't, just keep saving stuff until the system tells you that your disk is full.
B. While in 'my computer' or when opening or saving a file, right click on '3.5 floppy drive', and go down to properties.(correct answer)
C.Click on tools, then view, then "check disk status".
D. Shake the disk to see if it feels full.
E. Use the disk space option in the formating menu..
2. Where is the option 'show formulas' in WORD?
A. Tools/options/view (correct answer)
B. File/find/replace
D. by clicking the sigma symbol in the toolbar.
E. There is no 'show formulas' option.
Carmen D. Mahome

1.  What are the sizes of a floppy disk?
   a.  5.25"
   b.  3.5"
   c.  8.5"
   d. all of above
   e. none of above

answer:  d

2.  Which of the following is true?
  a.  megabyte is 1024 kilobytes
  b.  640K is 655,360 bytes
  c.  kilobyte is 1024 bytes
  d.  all of above
  e. none of above

answer:  d

from: nick maxey, mw 11-1215.

1)when saving images, which is not a correct file type?
answer... e).doc

2)in microsoft word, how would one hilight all text?
a)edit, select all
b)double click a word
c)triple click margin
answer... e)a+c

Exam 1 Question
1. What is the easiest thing to do when selecting the entire document in
microsoft word.
a) click and drag
b) ctrl, alt, shift
c) triple click in the left margin
d) push the aroww key down four times
e) double click in the left margin

Answer:  c) triple click in the left margin

2. What do you click in Excel to create a table for data.
a) the chart table on the toolbar
b) click insert and then the table icon
c) file and then page setup
d) the Hyperlink icon
e) both a and b

Answer: e) both a and b

1.Whats the fastest way to mass replace words in Microsoft Word?
A.Cut, Copy and Paste
C.Find and Replace
D.None of the above

2.Which is not a way text can be allinede in Microsoft Word?
A.left Aligned
C.Right Aligned
D.Top Aligned
Dave Sanders
8 AM  mon/wed

1. Which of the following is not one of the four basic computer operations?
a.  receiving input
b.  processing information
c.  maping documents
d.  producing output
e.  storing information

answer is C, maping documents

2.  What is the fundamental unit of computer data?
a.  Bits
b.  Gigs
c.  Diskettes
d.  Hardware
e.  Software

The answer is A, Bits

 1. Which menu contains the commands to save the current document, or open
a previously saved document?
     a. The File Menu
     b. The Tools Menu
     c. The Insert Menu
     d. The View Menu
     e. None Of The Above

     2. What options can you find in the format menu of microsoft word?
     a. Font
     b. Paragraph
     c. Styles and Formatting
     d. Background
     e. All Of The Above

Answers: A, E

1. What do you do to replace all of one word in a word document?
a. reread the whole thing and change to word
b.just not change them
c. go to spell check and change them
d. go to find and have it replace the words
e. change some of the words and hope no one sees the rest

2.A formula containing the entry =$D$6 is copied to a call one column over and
two rows down, how will it appear in its new location?
a. =$D$6
b. =$C$5
c. =$E$8
d. =$D$D
e. =$D$4

1. d
2. a
Genevieve Heredia
1) When using Excel, a shortcut to copy a formula from one cell to another is:
    a) right click copy and paste
    b) small cross click and drag
    c) there is no shortcut, you must retype the formula in each cell
    d) both a and b
    e) none of the above
2) Which was the first electronic spreadsheet created?
    a) Lotus 1.0
    b) Lotus
    c) Excel
    d) Visicalc
    e) none of the above

1 when performing a DISKCOPY, it's important to remember--
A  To use an already formatted disk.
B  To specify which file you want to copy so they won't all be copied.
C  That existing files on the target will be lost.
D  to always use a red disk
E  To type DISKCOPY in capital letters.


2 Which one is a message displayed by the computer that asks for input from the
A.user id
E.user ego

1) One kilobyte equals:
a-10 megabytes
b-1 byte
c-2000 bytes
d-1024 bytes
e-1 megabyte

Answer: d

2) Which of the following is not a DOS file name or type of file?

Answer: a

Ques.01  What extesion usually undicates  excel files?

d)*none of above.

Ques.02 AUTOEXEC.BAT can be be used to define a ________________

a)program run at startup
b)program run at end
c)Program input
d)All of the above

1.  Which of the following is not a pointing device?  (pg.70-71)


a.                   Trackball

b.                  Joystick

c.                   Keyboard * correct answer*

d.                  Touchpad

e.                   Mouse



2.  What does URL stand for? (pg. 16)


a.                   Uniform relocation locator

b.                  Unix Reel Link

c.                   Unfortunately Running Low

d.                  Uniform resource locator *correct answer*

e.                   Unreadable Ram locator



Jennifer Ketchum
A byte is:
a. 2 bits
b. 4 bits
c. 6 bits
d. 8 bits
e. 10 bits
the answer is d

The acronym ASCII stands for:
a. A scientific computer internal intelligence
b. American standard code for information interchange
c. A sweet cute intelligent individual
d. active search check for internet instruction
e. analog system computer internet intelligence
The answer is b
A byte is a group of:
a. 2

What is the name of the online data base where a person can save files on-line?
A. Puma

B. Samba

C. X files

D. Lotus

E. Santa

Answer: B. Samba

What microsoft office progarm is the most effective for creating charts and
A. Word

B. Excel

C. Suceed

D. Microsoft graph art

E. Lotus

Answer: B.  Excel

1. What is the significance of the shift  key in conjunction
with various tools on the drawing toolbar?
A. It will draw a circle rather than a oval using the oval tool
B. It will draw a square rather than a rectangle using the
rectangle tool
C. It will draw a horizontal or vertical line using the line tool
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Answer: D All of the above

2. Which of the following requires a Internet connection?
A. Using Internet Explorer to view a web page that is stored
B. Updating the values that are obtained through a web query
C. Clicking a hyperlink that references a document that is stored
on drive C
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Answer: B web query

1. When building an index, which key combination would be most helpful?
A. Ctrl-Alt-Delete
B. Shift-p-q
C. Alt-Shift-X
D. Ctrl-V
E. Enter-Spacebar

2.In word, everytime you save your file the size grows exponentially. What should you do?
A. Call the IT Guy
B. Get a new hard drive
C. Turn off Fastsave
D. Turn on Fastsave
E. Edit your file to be smaller

Kevin Nelson

1. which of the following can info be saved on?
a. my memory
b. a 3/4" dick
c. paper
d. dont know

ans. b

2. 'www' stands for
a  we want winter
b. world wide weakness
c. world wide web
d. world x 3

ans. c

3. A term paper could be typed and saved on
a. an old type writer
b. any computer with word prossesing
c. dont write term papers
d. just borrow someones

ans. b
1.  What does OCM stand for?

a. Operating computer module
b. Original console machine
c. Oh crap method
d. Original control method

2.  What does RAM stand for?

a. Random access memory
b. Route around memory
c. Relay across memory
d. Reply after me

Korey Simms

1.  Is one thousand megahertz one gigabyte?

2.  What does W.W.W. stand for in an interent address

1. In Windows Explorer the view option that gives the most informations is...
   A. Thumbnails
   B. Large Icons
   C. Details
   D. List
   E. Small Icons

Correct Answer: C

2. In Windows 2000 how do you open Windows Explorer?
   A. Click Start-Programs-Accessories-Windows Explorer
   B. Double click My Computer then click the Folders button
   C. Right click the Start Button and click Explore
   D. Right click My Computer and click Explore
   E. All of the above

Correct Answer: E

1.What does Formatting disks set up?
a)a new disk
b)a web page
c)File Allocation Table
d)all of the above
2.What can output do for anyone?
a)knock you out
b)convert machine to hardcopy or softcopy
c)get your money out the bank
d)get you an A in this class

1. How is a floppy disk write-protected?
a. by saving the contents of the disk
b. copy the contents of the disk in windows explorer
c. slide tab on floppy to cover the hole
d. by formatting the disk
e. properly labeling disks
Correct answer: c

2.How can you make a formula's column reference absolute in excel?
a. by putting the column reference in quotation marks
b. by putting an asterik in front of the column referenc
c. by making the column reference bold
d. by placing a dollar sign in front of the column reference
e. by placing a dollar sign behind the column reference
Correct answer: d

Terrell Davis

1) What does the DOS mean.
 a) digit of security
 b) disk operating system
 c) do outstanding service
 d) download operation system
 e) disk on source

2) How do you save a file to a disk in word.
 a) file/save as web page
 b) tools/options
 c) file/save
 d) file/save as/(A:)
 e) view/toolbars/customize
Question 1:  Which is not a function in Excel?
                            a) =Sum(A1:A12)
                            b) =A1+A2
                            c) =(A1+A2)/A3
                            d) =Sum(A1:A12)-Sum(B1:B12)
                            e) A1-A10
Answer: E, This is not a function because it is missing the equals sign "=".
Question 2:  How do you display cell formulas in Excel?
                      a) Go to tools, click options, click the view tab and check the box for formulas
                      b) Ctrl ~
                      c) Answers A and B
d) You must type the formulas out
e) There is no way to view formulas in Excel
Answer: C, Ctrl ~ shows the formulas just like  going through the tools menu.
Sarah Lederle

When looking for a character or specific name in a text you should-
A. file/find
B. insert/find
C. *edit/find
D. insert/find

What is the shortcut command key when making entries in an index?
A. control/shift/x
B. control/shift/z
C. alt/shift/z
D. *alt/shift/x

1) What does control-2 do when you press it in most programs?
    a) changes font
    b) double space
    c) goes to page 2
    d) opens print page
    e) none of the above

       answer: b

2) how to you copy something into excel?

    a)highlight first word and copy and paste
    b)highlight entire document and copy and paste
    c)take a picture
    d)copy then highlight then paste
    e)dont even worry about it

          answer: b

1 In Word, how do you replace all occurances of a character?

  a look for each character, delete, and type in new character
  b Tools, Find and Replace
  c Edit, Find and Replace
  d right click, find and replace

Correct Answer: C

2 Which one of the following is the correct way to highlight
  all text within a Word document?

  a right click, Select All
  b Ctrl + A
  c File, Select All
  d Ctrl + Alt + down arrow
  e none of the above

Correct Answer: B


Where do you go to insert a chart into Microsoft excel?
a. View/toolbars
b. Format/columns
d. Insert/chart

a: D Insert/chart

In excel speadsheet, what the the F4 key do?

A. give help
B. edit
C. search
D. give absolut
E. recalcutate

answer: D. give absolut

What is the capacity of a normal 3.5 floppy disk?

A. 650 MB
B. 1.44GB
C. 1.44MB
D. 5.00K
E. 2.36KB

answer: C. 1.44MB

Q1.Which of the following statements is true about a CD-ROM drive,

A. It displays text and numbers from computer memory.
B. It enables you to type text and numbers in the computer memory.
C. It enables the computer to read and use information stored on 5 1/4 inch optical disk.
D. B and C.
e. None of the above.

***Sugested answer  to Q1 is C.

Q2.Why is RAM called Volatile memory?

A. Because information stored there, is not held permanently.
B. Because the computer do not have other type of memory.
C. Because information stored there, is held permanently.
D. B and C.
e. None of the above.

***Sugested answer to Q2 is A.

How do you replace the same word with another word throughout the
entire document in Microsoft word?

a.Click the underline key
b.click the print button
c.change the font
d.put in  a table
e.Go to edit: find and replace
answer is e.

1) After you type a paragraph in Word, how do you format it to
double-space?  You would choose:
a. edit menu
b. help menu
c. tools menu
d. format menu
e. insert menu
answer is d format menu

2) When printing a worksheet in Excel, what should you do before you
hit the print key?
a. print area
b. print preview
c. page setup
d. print
e. save
answer is b print preview